Yobs spray explicit graffiti in 90-minute Dundee University vandalism spree

Yobs sprayed explicit graffiti and damaged IT equipment in a 90-minute vandalism spree at Dundee University.

Three people, who “appeared to be legitimate members of the university community”, entered the uni’s Tower Building on Monday evening.

They spent around 90 minutes inside.

The vandalism was only discovered when security teams carried out checks.

The building’s D’Arcy Thompson lecture theatre has been closed as a result of the damage – and staff are being encouraged to be more security conscious.

Dundee University vandalism: Trio ‘appeared to be legitimate’

Police have also launched an investigation.

An email sent to heads of department in the Tower Building on Tuesday morning said: “Last night, three people entered the Tower Building appearing to be legitimate members of our community at around 5.30pm.

“They were in the property for an hour and a half and left the building at 7pm.

“Unfortunately, when the CSO (chief security team) team locked up the building and did their walk-around checks just after 7pm, we found they had vandalised the lecture theatre, damaging the IT and putting graffiti on the walls.”

The message continued: “It would appear that they knew where to go and were quite confident.

Vandalism Tower Building Dundee University
Parts of the building have been closed. Image: Kim Cessford/DC Thomson

“We have sent their images to the police from the CCTV.

“We do not know where they went in the building, but they definitely used the lifts so must have accessed other floors as well.

“As a result of this, the lecture theatre is out of use – some of the graffiti is explicit and we need to get it removed as well as replace damaged IT.

“We are not sure whether they stole anything but it’s not obvious if they did.”

Police probe Dundee University vandalism

Doors are now being locked earlier and staff are being urged to lock their offices when not using them.

A spokesperson told The Courier the university is making “temporary restrictions to access to the building outwith core business hours”, and confirmed police have been informed.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Around 8.30am on Tuesday we received a report of damage at a premises on Smalls Wynd, Dundee.

“Inquiries are at an early stage.”

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