The amazing street art and murals you can find at a Welsh town


First it was famous for its steelworks. Then it had the spotlight shone on it after a Banksy appeared there. But the industrial town of Port Talbot is starting to make a name for itself as hotbed for street art.

Just a quick walk through the town and you’re soon greeted with bold and brash designs that have stopped shoppers in their tracks and left any reaching for their phones to take a photo.

It’s quite a remarkable feat after the controversial departure of Banksy’s Season’s Greetings left somewhat of a cloud over the town. Season’s Greetings, which appeared on a private domestic garage in Taibach of the area in 2018, reflected the danger of pollution. The image, which showed a child dressed for the winter and playing in what appeared to be falling snowflakes but was actually ash and smoke from a skip fire, was reported all over the world.

Fast forward to 2022 and the now owner of the garage wall, art dealer John Brandler, decided to move the artwork 270 miles to Ipswich – a decision which sparked outcry and was regarded by many as a missed opportunity for the town. Since then however, Port Talbot’s art scene has gone from strength to strength, with many of its artistic residents determined to show that the town is much more than just soot and steel.

You can find amazing street art and murals dedicated to different music legends, comedy shows, fictional characters and much more at the heart of the town and right underneath the M4 that passes through it. Here we take a look at some of those pieces.

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