Pudgy Penguins NFTs Hooking Users Towards 2,000 Walmart Stores

Non-fungible tokens (NFT) created an unbeatable place in the individual’s mind as well as in the digital space. Thousands of NFTs are revolving in the NFT space, hooking individuals to digital art in the form of PFPs, gaming artistic items, etc. According to Luca Netz Pudgy Penguins, one of the trending NFT projects in the NFT space, is all set to rock the physical stores now..   

What Pudgy Penguins NFT is Planning? 

Pudgy Penguins brand, the IP and brand development firm announced its line expansion of Pudge Toys in the physical world. After showing an outstanding performance in the online world, the company decided to expand its roots in the real world. 

Pudgy Penguins NFT, one of the most popular and trending NFT projects, decided to debut its Pudgy Toys collection in around 2,000 Walmart stores in the US. The news was revealed by CoinDesk, a leading digital media.

Why is Pudgy Penguin doing so? What’s the actual plan?

Attractive online as well as offline audience is one of the main purposes behind the decision. Pudgy Penguin simply wishes to bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds as well as to make the kids aware of the new project.

Focusing on the features of Toys, each toy would come with a birth certificate which will permit users to enter the Pudgy world. Users can also claim unique traits for their digital Pudgy character in the online world. Individuals just need to scan the QR code and they will be shifted to the online Virtual world on the zkSync Era blockchain. Also, 16 different types of Pudgy toys will be offered ranging between $2.99 to $11.97.  

In addition to this, Walmart is one of the biggest retailers in the US and this Pudgy Penguin Company selected the respective retail store for brand promotion and expansion. 

“Walmart’s involvement with Pudgy Toys is an experiment to test how consumers are getting engaged with brands in the evolving world”, stated Luca Netz, Pudgy Penguin’s CEO.     

How Well the Project is Going?

Pudgy Penguins, introduced in July 2021 is one of the leading NFT projects in the NFT space. With around 8,888 unique items, the project has rocked the entire NFT world. 

Pudgy Penguins NFT holds a total volume of 189,060 ETH with a floor price of 5.2 ETH. The project has approximately 4,536 owners in half of the owners hold at least a single item from the collection. 

In the past 7 days, the collection generated 274 sales with a volume of 1,353 ETH, a hike of 144%. The project is doing well and has room for running, boosting the chances to achieve much more heights soon.  


Pudgy Penguins, a brand development company is about to explode the virtual as well as physical world soon. The company decided to enter the physical stores by launching Pudgy Toys in 2,000 Walmart stores.  

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