Marigoldff NFT Artist Interview | NFT CULTURE | NFT News | Web3 Culture | NFTs & Crypto Art

Transmuting Reality: An Exploration of Nature, Technology, and Human Anatomy in Digital Art

Giusy Amoroso, aka Marigoldff, is an Italian Digital Artist, Art Director, and co-founder of IOR50 Studio based in Berlin, Germany. With a diverse educational background in Product and Public Design, as well as Computer Graphics with a focus on CGI and VFX design for film post-production, Giusy is a multi-talented artist. Her work is characterized by her exploration of organic shapes and alternative representations of reality, drawing inspiration from the structure and form of nature.

In this interview, Giusy shares about her background, creative process, and upcoming NFT drop.

  1. Where are you from? Could you share a bit about your background and how you became interested in digital art and technology?

Giusy: I am originally from Italy, but I am currently based in Berlin. My interest in digital art and technology began when I was a teenager and fell in love with video games. I was fascinated by the immersive virtual worlds they offered and wanted to create my own. My passion for digital creation only grew as I pursued my education, where I first encountered 3D software during my studies in product and public design.

  1. What are the main subjects that you explore in your digital art, and what inspired you to focus on these themes?

Giusy: I often explore a range of themes and subjects that are influenced by my fascination with the natural world, surrealism, and altered states of consciousness. Organic forms, alien creatures, and alien worlds are a few of the subjects that I enjoy exploring as they offer endless possibilities for creative expression. I also enjoy incorporating natural and surreal elements into my work to create a sense of dreamlike wonder and to challenge traditional notions of reality.

  1. What drew you to NFT art?

Giusy: NFTs have opened up a new realm of possibilities for artists like myself. This innovative technology allows me to focus on my art and create pieces that truly reflect my vision and beliefs, without having to compromise for the sake of a client’s expectations. What draws me to NFTs is not only the creative freedom it provides but also the potential for this technology to revolutionize the art industry.

  1. Could you walk us through your creative process and how you approach each project?

Giusy: My creative process is not bound to a specific formula or approach. For each project, I start with a fresh perspective and immerse myself in the subject matter to find new ways of visualizing it. I conduct extensive research by delving into relevant literature, documentaries, and other media forms. This research lays the foundation for my creative process, giving me valuable insights and inspiration to explore novel ways of representing my subject matter. Once I have a solid understanding of the project’s background and context, I trust my artistic intuition to guide me in the right direction.

  1. Your art explores the intersection of technology, nature, and humanity. What message do you hope to convey through your work, and how do you want viewers to respond to it?

Giusy: Through my art, I aim to blur the boundaries between technology, nature, and humanity, highlighting the interconnectedness of these seemingly disparate elements. I want to challenge viewers to reconsider their relationship with the world around them and the role that technology plays in shaping our experiences.

  1. What are some of the major influences or sources of inspiration that shape your artistic vision?

Giusy: My sources of inspiration are diverse, and I draw inspiration from organic shapes and alternative representations of reality, as well as from various renowned figures such as Ernst Haeckel, Terence McKenna, and H.R. Giger.

  1. Apart from art, what are your other passions and why do you enjoy them?

Giusy: Apart from my love for art, I have a deep passion for hiking and connecting with the natural world. When I’m out on the trail, I enjoy the fresh air, the stunning views, and the physical challenge of navigating rugged terrain. I find that hiking also helps me to clear my mind and gain perspective on whatever challenges I may be facing in my personal or professional life. In addition, I appreciate the opportunity to disconnect from technology and reconnect with the natural world.

  1. What is one thing you couldn’t live without and why?

Giusy: For me, the concept of “living” involves experiencing life to the fullest, connecting with others, and pursuing my passions and goals. While there are certainly things that enhance my quality of life and make it more enjoyable, I don’t believe there is any one thing that I couldn’t live without.

  1. Are there any upcoming NFT drops that your fans and collectors can look forward to?

Giusy: Yes, my fans and collectors can look forward to my debut NFT release on Nifty Gateway on April 26th. The release is being curated by FAN 3 and I’m excited to share my digital artwork with a new audience.

  1. Could you tell us more about your upcoming NFT release “Transmutations”?

Giusy: “Transmutations” is a series of digital sculptures that explores the concept of transmutation as a change in the structure of matter, with a specific focus on the reimagination of the human skeleton. Each sculpture in the collection highlights a different part of the anatomy and transforms from one texture and material to another, unveiling something new. The collection consists of three pieces called FLUX, ETHER, and SYNTHIA. The release of Transmutations will consist of one open edition and two ranked auctions with limited editions.

  1. What is the biggest piece you have sold?

Giusy: “Claire” on SuperRare for 21.780ETH ($45.3k) in collaboration with musician Anyma.

Collectors can find Giusy’s work on her artist website, Instagram, Twitter, and NFT marketplaces such as SuperRare, Foundation, and OpenSea.

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