Invest in Art with Impact: ‘C-Note on Haring’ Available for $15,000


Purchase C-Note on Haring for $15,000: A blend of Hip-Hop influence and visual artistry, reflecting Haring’s dynamic legacy and C-Note’s profound narrative.

Original Artwork for Sale $15,000

C-Note on Haring (2021)

Wax on black canvas

12 in. x 9 in.

Donald “C-Note” Hooker

Colors: black, white, and red

Shapes: triangle

Textures: Smooth

Historical and Cultural Reference: Keith Haring’s 1990, Radiant Baby

Artist Intent: to give a lesson on how basic geometry can be the catalyst to drawing shapes and movement

Comparisons: Keith Haring’s artistic style

In the world of meaningful art, few pieces resonate with the depth and cultural significance as C-Note on Haring, a captivating creation by the renowned prison artist Donald “C-Note” Hooker. Currently available for $15,000, this piece is not just a work of art; it’s a statement, a conversation starter, and a profound investment in the sphere of impactful art.

Donald “C-Note” Hooker: A Beacon of Creativity Behind Bars

The artist behind this compelling work, Donald “C-Note” Hooker, stands as a testament to the power of art transcending boundaries. Known for his evocative and powerful works created within the confines of the prison system, C-Note has carved a niche for himself in the art world, merging his lived experiences with a vibrant artistic vision. His journey as an artist, unfolding in an environment where freedom is limited, is a story of resilience, hope, and the unyielding power of creativity.

C-Note on Haring emerges from this unique backdrop, showcasing C-Note’s ability to transform adversity into a canvas of expression. It represents more than just his personal narrative; it reflects a universal struggle for voice and visibility.

Influence of “ICONS: Polaroid-Haring-C-Note”

The inspiration behind C-Note on Haring is deeply rooted in another groundbreaking work – ICONS: Polaroid-Haring-C-Note, a photography work featured in “History of Polaroid – The Cultural Legacy of This Iconic Brand.”

This earlier project, a remarkable fusion of photography, street art, and prison art, played a pivotal role in shaping C-Note’s artistic vision for his subsequent creation. ICONS is not just a Polaroid x Keith Haring photograph of C-Note’s Incarceration Nation during his solo outdoor exhibition “Look Up!”; it’s an artistic convergence that brings together the legacies of Keith Haring, Donald “C-Note” Hooker, and the iconic Polaroid Corporation, creating a visual dialogue that transcends time and space.

This collaboration, blending Haring’s vivid street art legacy, exemplified by the creation of the Polaroid x Keith Haring camera and film, with C-Note’s poignant prison art narratives, exemplified by the billboard art exhibition “Look Up!” of his artwork Incarceration Nation, set the stage for C-Note on Haring. It is in this intersection of styles, themes, and histories that C-Note found the inspiration to create a piece that is as much an homage to Haring as it is a continuation of his own artistic journey. The influence of ICONS is palpable in the thematic depth and stylistic elements of C-Note on Haring, making it a work that not only honors the past but also speaks profoundly to the present.

Keith Haring’s Legacy and Its Echo in “C-Note on Haring”

In C-Note on Haring, the artistic spirit of Keith Haring, a luminary in street art known for his dynamic and socially-engaged creations, is powerfully reenvisioned. Haring, celebrated for addressing activism, equality, and social justice, resonates in this piece through the lens of Donald “C-Note” Hooker. Haring’s influence is palpable in the vibrant energy, bold lines, and profound social commentary that characterize the artwork.

A compelling aspect of C-Note on Haring is Haring’s portrayal wearing an N.W.A shirt, a deliberate choice by C-Note that symbolizes the deep-rooted connection between rebellious art forms and social consciousness. This imagery not only reflects Haring’s engagement with the hip-hop culture of the 1980s but also aligns with N.W.A’s impactful narratives on racial and societal issues. Haring’s relationship with hip-hop was more than just aesthetic; it was a part of his identity as an artist who immersed himself in the culture, rhythms, and voices of the street.

C-Note, too, shares a profound connection with hip-hop, a genre that has significantly influenced his work as a prison artist. Known as the “King of Prison Hip Hop,” his artistry extends beyond visual arts into poetry and writing, echoing the themes and styles prevalent in hip-hop culture. His work, like Haring’s, challenges societal norms and offers a powerful commentary on the realities of life, especially within the constraints of incarceration.

In C-Note on Haring, the intersection of Haring’s street art legacy and C-Note’s profound experiences within the hip-hop narrative creates a unique fusion. This artwork is not just a visual homage to Haring but also a reimagining through the collective lens of their shared cultural influences. It stands as a testament to the timeless nature of Haring’s work, its ongoing relevance in social activism, and the unifying power of hip-hop as a cultural force.

Dr. Nicole R. Fleetwood’s Symbolic Interaction with “C-Note on Haring”

The significance of C-Note on Haring is highlighted by the notable recognition it received from Dr. Nicole R. Fleetwood, a prominent art historian and author specializing in prison art. Dr. Fleetwood, renowned for her insightful and award-winning book Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration, is an influential figure in bringing to light the art produced within the confines of the prison system. Her book is a groundbreaking work that has played a pivotal role in changing perceptions about the value and depth of prison art.

The photograph of Dr. Fleetwood holding C-Note on Haring carries a profound symbolic meaning. While this gesture may not constitute an explicit endorsement, it powerfully connects the artwork to the broader narrative of art in incarceration that Dr. Fleetwood has extensively documented. Her mere interaction with the piece underscores its relevance and importance within the realm of prison art.

This connection with Dr. Fleetwood’s work and the visibility it provides is invaluable. It situates C-Note on Haring within a context that is rich in history, struggle, and artistic expression. The artwork thus stands as a significant piece within the ongoing dialogue about creativity, justice, and the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Dissecting “C-Note on Haring”: A Blend of Art and Meaning

C-Note on Haring is not just a visual experience; it is an exploration of depth, meaning, and artistic innovation. At first glance, the artwork captivates with its striking use of color and form. The piece showcases C-Note’s adept use of wax on black canvas, creating a textural depth that draws the viewer into a contemplative space.

The artwork’s dimensions,12 inches by 9 inches, while seemingly modest, are profoundly impactful. Within this space, C-Note masterfully employs a minimalist color palette of black, white, and red, each hue playing a crucial role in conveying the artwork’s emotional and thematic undertones. The red, particularly, stands out as a symbol of passion, struggle, and resilience.

Another color scheme of note, are the deployment of color wheel opposites, a scheme to make objects standout, like the green dancing man surrounded by red radiant beams, or the yellow face and its near opposite blue. These purposeful uses of color are a level of color composition and sophistication that aren’t suspected by an untrained prison artist.

Central to the piece is the use of geometric shapes, with triangles prominently featured. These shapes are not random but are carefully chosen to evoke movement and a sense of dynamism. They reflect C-Note’s intent to demonstrate how basic geometric forms can be the foundation for creating more complex and expressive artwork.

The artwork’s historical and cultural references are unmistakable. It draws inspiration from Keith Haring’s 1990 Radiant Baby,reimagining Haring’s iconic style through C-Note’s unique lens. This connection is more than a visual homage; it is a dialogue between past and present, bridging Haring’s legacy with contemporary issues of justice and redemption.

C-Note on Haring is more than an artwork; it is a lesson in history, a commentary on the present, and a hopeful glance towards the future. It stands as a compelling piece for collectors and art enthusiasts, particularly for those who are drawn to art that makes a statement and sparks conversation.

Cultural Impact and Enduring Legacy of “C-Note on Haring”

The significance of C-Note on Haring extends far beyond its canvas, resonating deeply in the realms of art, social justice, and cultural discourse. This artwork does not merely hang on a wall; it stands as a beacon of conversation, challenging and engaging viewers in the complexities of justice, redemption, and artistic expression in the face of adversity.

C-Note’s work, particularly evident in C-Note on Haring, transcends the conventional boundaries of art. It challenges viewers to confront and consider the harsh realities of incarceration, while also celebrating the indomitable spirit of human creativity under constraint. This piece, therefore, becomes a symbol of resistance and a testament to the transformative power of art.

The legacy of C-Note on Haring is further cemented by its connection to the broader movement in contemporary art that seeks to highlight and dignify the voices and talents of marginalized artists. As a work of art created by an incarcerated artist, it offers a unique perspective, one that is often absent from mainstream art discourse. Its relevance and power lie in its ability to bridge different worlds – the inside and the outside, the past and the present, struggle and hope.

For collectors and art enthusiasts, investing in C-Note on Haring is not just a financial decision; it’s a commitment to supporting art that makes a difference, that tells a story, and that stands as a piece of history. It’s an opportunity to own a part of a narrative that is as relevant today as it will be tomorrow.

Conclusion: The Enduring Value of “C-Note on Haring”

C-Note on Haring stands as a remarkable confluence of art, history, and social commentary, embodying the spirit of resilience and the power of artistic expression. This artwork is not just a piece to be admired for its aesthetic value; it’s a profound statement on the enduring nature of creativity, even in the most challenging circumstances.

The journey of Donald “C-Note” Hooker, mirrored in the powerful strokes and poignant themes of this piece, speaks to the heart of what art can achieve: a voice for the voiceless, a form of protest, and a beacon of hope. By bringing together the legacy of Keith Haring and the contemporary insights of prison art, C-Note on Haring bridges past and present, offering a unique perspective that is both deeply personal and universally resonant.

Owning C-Note on Haring, especially, since being put up for sale in the calendar year celebration of the 50th anniversary of Hip Hop, is an opportunity to be part of a narrative that transcends the traditional art world. It’s an investment not just in a piece of art, but in a story of struggle and triumph, an artifact of cultural significance, and a testament to the transformative power of art. Available now for $15,000, this artwork invites you to be part of its legacy – a legacy that continues to inspire and provoke thought in the ever-evolving dialogue of art and social justice.

Available as Art Prints

Canvas, wood, metal, acrylic, and other art prints of this Untitled work are available at the ANNA D. SMITH FINE ART AND REAL ESTATE BROKER ONLINE ART GALLERY. Prices start as low as $17.00 for a 6 in. x 8 in. poster print, to as high as $317.00 for a 30 in. x 40 in. acrylic print. Prices are subject to change, click image link below:

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About the Artist:

Donald “C-Note” Hooker is a poet, playwright, performing artist, award winning visual artist, and is known as the King of Prison Hip Hop. His works have either been exhibited, performed, recited, or sold, from Alcatraz to Berlin. In 2017, Google Search listed him in their search results, as both America’s, and the world’s most prolific prisoner-artist.

Artist’s official website:

Quick visual art bio:

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