From Architect to BIM Coordinator/Manager

Has anyone done this transition?

I’m working as an architect and have been doing so since I graduated in 2018. I’m very technically savvy, so I am in charge of a lot of computationally heavy tasks, whether it’s generating GH or Dynamo scripts, interchange between different software, I am very good at Revit and BIM methodologies in general and to be honest, my brain prefers the methodological part of organizing the models, geometries, sheets, parameters etc, and I really dislike the messy environment and thought process of how architects go about designing buildings.

I’m in my early 30’s, and looking forward to future, I know that working in BIM is in high demand now and I have all the skill required to do it. The salaries in BIM positions are much higher that architects, and the hours are shorter, so it seems like a no brainier. The thing is, in BIM career path is quite short, and you will get a point very fast where there is no going up from there.

I work at a big international office in the UK, and I have already spoken to some people in the BIM department about moving, and now I need to choose: “Boring” job, better hours and money, and short career path or “seemilgy not boring about in reality very stressful and underpaid”, but in 20 years I might make more money that a BIM manager. I am still researching this by talking to people in both position in my office and other people in the industry, but I would like to know if anyone here has made this transition?

Given the state of the our profession and looking into the future, my priorities in life are to start a family soon, and have a good work-life balance and, most importantly, more money. I see architects who are partners and have been in the company for 15 years and still do late nights, and always seem to be under immense stress. Is this stress worth it. salary wise?

Apr 24, 23 11:02 am

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