Fresh graffiti drawn on controversial town wall

Fresh graffiti has been scrawled on a Spalding alleyway wall.

Just days after ‘30K p*** alleyway’ was covered up, Abbey Passage has been targeted again, now with the words ‘polish a turd alley’.

There has been controversy over plans to spend a £30,000 Arts Council England National Lottery grant on creating a new art installation along the alley, which has previously been referred to as a ‘latrine’ due to anti-social behaviour issues.

Abbey Passage in Spalding
Abbey Passage in Spalding
New graffiti on Abbey Passage in Spalding
New graffiti on Abbey Passage in Spalding

An additional £5,000 from the Spalding Town Centre Improvement Programme, funded by South Holland District Council, will also be spent on the project.

We have contacted South Holland District Council for a comment.

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