DDD changing meeting schedule, adding committees

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Baton Rouge’s Downtown Development District is moving away from a monthly meeting format while also creating four committees to help guide the organization. 

The organization’s board of commissioners will meet once during each of the first two months of the new year—in January to receive the 2023 annual report and in February to decide what to do with leftover money from the previous year. But following the February meeting, the organization will shift to holding board meetings every other month. 

The DDD is putting together four new committees early next year that will meet during months commissioners don’t gather. There will be an executive committee, planning and projects committee, clean and safe committee, and a marketing and outreach committee. 

The move to introduce committees and decrease the number of board meetings came from the new strategic plan adopted by the DDD earlier this year, says DDD Executive Director Whitney Hoffman Sayal, who notes that the organization’s bylaws require only four meetings a year. 

Sayal says the idea is to have one or two commissioners on each committee but that the rest of the membership will be determined early next year. 

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