Comics Should Be Cheap (5/10/23)


Buying comics can be an expensive hobby. A lot of fans simply can’t afford everything they’re interested in, due to rising prices and the over-saturation of the market with superhero titles.

That’s why we’re here. Every week, the Multiversity staff is asked “What would you buy this week if you couldn’t go over $20?” and shares their reasons why, in order to help others who might have similar tastes make their own decisions in buying comics on a budget. Be sure to leave your own picks in the comments!


Johnny’s Picks:

Gotham Academy: Maps of Mystery #1 ($5.99): I cannot resist a book that has that classic 70’s bat-logo – can’t do it! Lucky for me, not only does this book have that very fun, “Choose Your Own Adventure”- paperback-style cover, but it also reprints some great “Gotham Academy” stories from the previous couple of years that I missed. In this little tome we get a reunion of the Gotham Academy creative team (that’s Becky Cloonan, Brendan Fletcher, and Karl Kerschl), and maybe lowkey one of the best Robins out there in young Maps Mizoguchi. Kerschl’s story from the “Batman: Black & White” issue is reprinted here, and it is a cute (and dark!) little gem!

Nancy Wins At Friendship HC – A Nancy Comics Collection ($12.99): Simply the best and smartest comic strip running. With more than a nod to original cartoonist Ernie Bushmiller’s iconic meta-humor cartooning, writer/artist Olivia Jaimes (the strip’s first female cartoonist in the character’s 100+ year history!) also invigorates the strip with a stark sense of TIME. This is definitely a strip set in the now, and not the sort of “timeless” strips you see with, say, “Peanuts” or “Blondie.” In fact, this very book reprints the strips of the pandemic era, and is literally the only kind of entertainment I want to digest from this otherwise oppressively bleak moment in our history. Jaimes, with such a respect for the character’s past and a brilliant eye for the humor of today, has created an instant classic, and I can’t wait to revisit these strips again and again!

Total: $18.98 – I kept it under this week, but shout out to the new issue of “Saga,” a book that never lets me down, as well as artist Nicole Goux’s new graphic novel from Avery Hill Publishing, “Pet Peeves,” which looks fantastic!


Mark’s Picks:

Ghostlore #1 ($4.99):The first in a twelve-part miniseries from Cullen Bunn and Leomacs. I’m very interested to see these two collaborate, but on top of that, this series has an extra dimension, with guest artists on each issue to illustrate stories within the story. The lineup announced so far sounds great, kicking things off with Brian Hurtt in this first issue. Beyond that, I’ve kept myself from reading too much about this. I was already convinced by the creators involved so I want to go in knowing as little as possible and just enjoy the ride.

The Great British Bump-Off #2 ($3.99): Speaking of great collaborations, one of the all-time best, John Allison and Max Sarin, is happening here. This is the team behind “Giant Days,” one of the best series of the 2010s (though personally, I would say best). Don’t miss this one.

Phantom Road #3 ($3.99): I may not be entirely sold on the premise of this series just yet, but Gabriel Hernández Walta’s work is simply too compelling to ignore. And I’m OK with this series being a slowburn. Personally, I think Jeff Lemire is at his best in slowburn mode.

Saga #64 ($3.99): I mean, c’mon. It’s “Saga.”

Total: $16.96. I’ll also be picking up the collections for “Frankenstein: New World” and “The Bone Orchard Mythos: Ten Thousand Black Feathers.”


Christopher’s Pick:

The New Champion of Shazam! ($19.99): I love Doc Shaner’s art, and I have it on very good authority (namely from our Shazam expert Brian) that this is excellent, so I look forward to having a gander. It’s a nice bit of timing, since Mary is probably is the most interesting member of the family now, and there’s a talking rabbit, which is simply adorable.

Total: $19.99

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