Chandler Street infrastructure project is underway

At long last, a Chandler Street infrastructure project is underway. As the street has been subject to a series of renovation projects by developer Rocco Termini, the street, curbs, sidewalks remained in disrepair.

Now that the project is officially underway, Termini is hopeful that other investors and developers will be interested in additional infill projects.

In some form or another, Termini has spearheaded around $45 million in development projects, with his adaptive reuse buildings and his Tappo, Thin Man, and Food E businesses.

“Private development causes public development,” Termini told me. “That’s why the street is being fixed up. Hopefully it encourages further development. This is also the result of the New Markets Tax Credit Program. There’s no market for retail or offices at this point, but there is a market for housing, as long as people don’t mind living near railroad tracks. “

Ultimately, we’re looking at about three months from start fo finish on this project, which includes new sewer lines. It will be a bit of a disrupter for the summer concert series, but in the end it’s going to be a huge benefit to the livelihood of all of the businesses, and events that take place on and throughout Chandler Street.

Photos courtesy Elías Damián Benavídes

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