California coffee shop workers try to kick out Jewish woman

  • Staff at Farley’s East in Oakland blocked Jewish woman from documenting anti-Semitic graffiti in their bathroom
  • The family-owned café has since apologized and taken ‘corrective measures’ against employees involved 

California coffee shop workers have been caught on camera trying to kick out a Jewish woman after she complained about anti-Semitic graffiti in their restroom.

Staff at Farley’s East in Oakland blocked the woman as she tried to enter the bathroom to take a picture of the writing, which said ‘Zionism = Fascism’ and ‘your neutrality is enabling genocide’.

She was was told to leave the ‘private property’, before one of the three employees told her, ‘I know Israel loves taking private property and saying it’s their own, but we gotta head.’

The family-owned café has since apologized over the incident and the hate speech.

Staff at Farley's East in Oakland tried to kick out a Jewish woman after she tried to take a picture of anti-Semitic graffiti in their restroom

Writing scrawled in the cafe's bathroom said 'Zionism = Fascism' and 'Your neutrality is enabling genocide'

The video shows the woman facing off against three employees who are barring her entry to the door as she says, ‘I want to go into the restroom’.

One staff member in a yellow beanie tells her: ‘It is private property, I do need you to leave.’

Her colleague then jumps in, saying: ‘I know Israel loves taking private property and saying it’s their own, but we gotta head.’

The disbelieving woman asks, ‘You are not going to let me in the restroom?’ before she is asked to leave again by the worker in the yellow hat who accuses the woman of misgendering a colleague.

The altercation continues and the woman says, ‘Why are you afraid that I will take a picture of it if you agree with it?’

This prompts the group to relent and let her into the bathroom where the woman films the graffiti that has been scrawled.

As she zooms in, one of the employees shouts: ‘History didn’t start in 1948 lady’ in reference to the year the State of Israel was established.

Once she has obtained the video the woman is ushered out of the bathroom while the staff shout ‘Free Palestine’ at her. 

The woman had spotted the graffiti and complained to staff who then tried to prevent her returning to take a picture

Farley's East was forced to offer a 'sincere apology' over the incident and confirmed it has taken 'corrective measures' against staff involved

Following backlash to the video, Farley’s East was forced to publicly apologize.

‘We want to offer an acknowledgement and a sincere apology. As context, hate speech graffiti was written in our bathroom. We do not support hate speech; this does not reflect our values,’ the café said in a statement on Facebook.

‘After a customer used the bathroom and wished to return to document the graffiti, they were initially denied access and then allowed to enter the bathroom to film the graffiti. 

‘We apologize for this error and the distress caused to the customer. We’ve taken corrective measures with our staff and removed the offensive graffiti. 

‘We’re not anti-Semitic; we value diversity and inclusivity. We’re committed to ongoing staff training for a safe and welcoming environment.’

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