Artist takes homeless protest three storeys above Hosier Lane


A Melbourne artist and acrobat who has been living in a cavity on the side of a building as Melbourne’s homelessness crisis worsens has today been evicted by police. 

Aerial performer Manx began building his “castle” in January three storeys above Hosier Lane, a destination popular with tourists for its iconic graffiti art. 

Manx’s structure was 14 square metres split over two levels with an atrium, a makeshift kitchen, lounge, hanging plants, and a drawbridge. 

Living on the side of a building is among the less-risky things the circus-trained acrobat has done.

It is a situation fuelled by Melbourne’s homelessness crisis. 

When asked if it was art or protest, Manx replied: “Both”. 

“It’s intentionally a piece of satire,” he said.

“What isn’t obvious is the sheer number of homeless people throughout Melbourne who know about this and come every couple of weeks to see the progress. 


“The people who it is most influential to are the people at the lowest rung of the ladder — the people who are sleeping in the parks, who are trying to sleep in toilets and car parks.” 

Victoria Police and Fire Rescue Victoria attended on Wednesday, where Manx turned himself in. 

He hoped his efforts would help get more people housed. 

“People shouldn’t have to do what I’m doing,” Manx said. 

“This is just a way of painting it red and letting people know. 

“It can be fixed. It’s time to get angry.”

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