AHOY Comics’ JUSTICE WARRIORS gets third printing for the holidays

A breakout hit by AHOY Comics published just earlier this year, the satirical authoritarian police commentary Justice Warriors is returning for a third printing after selling out during the initial run in June.

Created by Nib founder and Pulitzer Prize finalist Matt Bors, along with Adult Swim featured animator Ben Clarkson, Justice Warriors is a well-crafted and hilarious satire that pokes fun at unjust power dynamics. The story often takes an extreme yet whimsical approach to the buddy cop genre that pokes at society as the butt of the joke.

“The way readers are responding to Justice Warriors, you would almost think it reflects the real world instead of far-fetched ‘issues’ contrived to entertain, like economic inequality, corrupt politics, and militarized policing,” says AHOY Comics Editor-In-Chief Tom Peyer. “Matt and Ben imagine a society where everything feels broken. I don’t know where they get their ideas, but they add up to light-hearted laughs and family fun for everyone on your holiday list!!! (Or is it me that’s broken?)” 

“The economy is doing great according to the Justice Warriors Index,” says Bors. “All sectors need this book!”

Justice Warriors is the perfect stocking stuffer for your brother, cousin or nephew — basically any terminally online mutant you know,” continued Clarkson.

What is Justice Warriors about, anyway?

Justice Warriors is the story of two mutant officers, aptly named Swamp Cop and Schitt, who work as cops in service to a utopian urban metropolis isolated from the outside world. It is a prosperous city where crime is non-existent, and everyone is considered equal.

Yet, outside the inner bubble of the city lay the Uninhabited Zone, a vast slum where most mutants actually live. The Uninhabited Zone is where our police officers often have to act in the interests of serving self-serving politicians, often acting in a ridiculous fashion and in ways that help preserve the absurdly maintained status quo.

The Beat even praised Justice Warriors, calling it a dense, surprising, and often hilarious read.

Find Justice Warriors in comic stores everywhere.

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